Book Title: Introduction to Marketing – MKTG 3433

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Book Description: Designed to teach students the foundational principles of marketing in the digital age, this open textbook uses current case studies and engaging, real-world scenarios to help students recognize and analyze marketing in business as well as in everyday life. Curated OER readings, videos, simulations and other learning activities introduce students to the principles of marketing.
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Book Description
This University of Arkansas open textbook is adapted from the Lumen Learning openly licenced course Principles of Marketing. The textbook uses current case studies and engaging, real-world scenarios to help students recognize and analyze marketing in business as well as in everyday life. Curated OER readings, videos, simulations and other learning activities introduce students to the principles of marketing.
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This book was cloned from a source that is no longer available. The source URL was This book may differ from the original.
Introduction to Marketing - MKTG 3433 Copyright © 2022 by WCOB Marketing Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Sales and marketing management