289 Reading: Presenting the Marketing Plan
Getting Started: Your Target Audience
When you were developing your own marketing plan, consider how much time and thought you put into identifying and reaching your target audience. As you know, it’s a crucial step in the development of any successful marketing plan. The same is true of effective presentations: the key is to have a firm grasp of the needs of your audience. As the presenter, your main goal is to convey a message to your audience. That message is your marketing plan. You should imagine that the audience of your marketing plan is very interested in and somewhat familiar with your product and/or service. We’ll say that the demographic is “your instructor and classmates”—all bright, educated listeners who want to hear what you have to say! It’s important to keep in mind that they may not interpret the information exactly as you have. It’s your job as a marketing-plan presenter to explain your ideas using specific details, succinct and clear wording (avoid jargon), vivid descriptions, and meaningful images. As you organize your presentation, keeping this imaginary audience in mind can help you gauge how much background information and context to provide.
If you feel unsure about what to present, read your executive summary, which should give you a nice outline for your presentation. Begin by presenting the key elements there. Then ask yourself, “If I’m going to explain why this positioning and these marketing objectives really make sense, what additional information does my audience need?” Your goal with the presentation is not to present all of the details in the marketing plan but just to call out the important areas that help everyone understand why it is a good, thoughtful plan.
Choosing Media and Format
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “Death by PowerPoint” to explain that all-too-familiar feeling of being slowly bored to death by a thoughtless presenter who’s droning on and on about boring slide after boring slide. If you’d like to know what the experience is about, and you have time for a laugh, watch the following video, starring stand-up comedian Don McMillan. McMillan pokes fun at bad presentations, but he has some very sound advice about what not to do. (Also, he gets in a nice dig at marketers.)
You may be considering using PowerPoint for your marketing-plan presentation, and that’s perfectly fine. PowerPoint can be a very effective tool with the right organization, layout, and design. Below is a list of five common pitfalls that you can and should avoid, and doing so will go a long way toward making your PowerPoint presentation successful:
- Choosing a font that is too small. The person in the very back of the room should be able to see the same thing as the person in the front of the room.
- Putting too many words on a slide. Remember it’s called PowerPoint, not PowerParagraph! Keep your bullet points clear and succinct.
- Having spelling errors. Have somebody proofread your slides. Any typos will detract from your marketing plan.
- Choosing distracting colours that make it hard to read the information. PowerPoint gives you a lot of color choices in their design templates. The ideas in your brilliant marketing plan will be lost if your audience is struggling to read the content.
- Selecting images or visuals that do not clearly align with the content. For instance, a cute photo of your cat may look lovely up on the screen, but if it doesn’t connect to your marketing plan, it’s just fluff that detracts from your message. Every slide counts, so make sure the visuals support your message.

Two Ideas Beyond PowerPoint
The top priority for your marketing plan presentation is to make sure that it’s well focused. The software/technology is less important, just use what you’re most comfortable with. That said, if you’d like to explore other options besides PowerPoint, two alternatives are described below. Either would work well for this assignment.
Prezi gives students free access to a visual-aid tool that can be effective, fun, and engaging. You’ll need to sign up with your student email address. Once again, the content of your marketing plan is most important, but if you’re bored with PowerPoint, you could give Prezi a try.
Three Prezi Tips:
- Keep in mind that the movement of the screen can make some audience members feel seasick, so be sure to review your transitions between your slides. Too much movement will detract from your message.
- If it’s your first time trying Prezi and you’re learning how to use it, start by using one of the templates. You want to focus on your marketing plan, not the technology.
- Remember that a fancy Prezi will not hide a poor marketing plan. Having all the elements of the marketing plan should be your first concern; then focus on making it pretty.
Google Sites
Google Sites gives users the ability to create free basic Web sites. Google has easy-to-follow tutorials, and a lot of help is available through Google’s search engine. You can google your question! Free templates are available, but be sure to pick one that is professional and appropriate for your audience.
Three Google Sites Tips
- Pick a clever site name that you’ll want to use when you are on the job market. Using “Principles of Marketing 101” won’t be as catchy as “[Clever Business Name] Marketing Plan.” You may want to use this plan as a sample of your work someday.
- Test your site on different devices. See what your marketing plan looks like on a smartphone and a computer screen. Pay particular attention to your images to make sure they aren’t too big or too small.
- Ask somebody who isn’t in the course to click around and tour your Web site before you present. He or she may be able to give you feedback on what looks the best or what you could improve.
Presenting the Marketing Plan
Now that we’ve shared some pointers on organizing your presentation and getting the technology to work for you (rather than against you) let’s turn to a final list of pointers for the “performance” part of the presentation, when you actually present your plan to an audience. You’ve worked hard as the owner of this plan, so have confidence in your work. The following can help you get there:
- Practice! Take what you’ve learned about SWOT and do a SWOT analysis of your presentation. What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you’ll face when you present to your audience? It’s tough to remember this when you’re nervous, but you’re the person who knows the most about your plan. Practicing your presentation will help you build confidence.
- Ask a friend or family member to watch you present. Request that they be honest with you and give constructive criticism.
- Talk to your audience, not to the screen. Your audience can read the slides, so use your voice to explain more of the details.
Remember the sage advice of Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” Good luck!