Welcome open access friends.
We have put together this guide to assist people who are interested in creating and authoring open educational materials at the University of Arkansas.
This guide is a work in progress. We hope to have answered any questions you have about building, formatting, and exporting your book.
You will find that the preliminary sections of this work will provide general information on the OER program at the University of Arkansas Libraries. Not only will you find links to external sources of information, but you will also find materials specific to our programming and author guidelines. Accessibility and inclusiveness are important to us and are described at the beginning of the text.
The majority of this publication provides instruction on using Pressbooks, our publishing platform, including the methods for adding images and the use of H5P to provide interactive activities.
Have fun. We hope that you find this guide useful. If you would like individual assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at oer@uark.edu.