Unit 8 Apparel Construction
Unit 8 Apparel Construction
In this section of the text, we will explore specific skills needed for apparel construction. While this section focuses on the application of these skills in the apparel industry, knowing how to accomplish these tasks will assist you with any sewing project.

Specific skills we will unpack in this section of the textbook include how to: use gathering and easing, and how to create darts, tucks, pleats, ruffles, pockets, and ties. While all of these skills will not be used in creating apparel or home goods, knowing how to quickly and efficiently implement these will ensure a professionally created product that reflects industry standards (Deaton, 2021).

It is important to note that there are multiple interpretations of how to accomplish each of these skills. The step-by-step directions presented in this text are reflective of this author’s decades of teaching these skills in the classroom. Use the resources provided at the end of each chapter to better understand these concepts and consider how to apply these principles in apparel production.

Deaton, S. (2021). Teaching Apparel Production. Presentation.