
Unit 7 Seams

Unit 7 Seams

Practice makes permanent.

Regardless of the type of seam students are creating, they need opportunities to practice their skills. Practicing on paper first may prove to be an economical choice. Allow students the opportunity to practice making straight and curvy stitches. Additionally, allow them opportunities to practice turning corners while leaving the needle in the paper.
Practicing sewing straight stitches on paper first will increase students’ confidence, speed, and proficiency (Deaton, 2021).  Consider using the resources located at the end of each chapter as you teach your students how to sew on the sewing machine.
As students become more proficient in sewing straight stitches, allow students to sew fabric scraps together to both increase students’ proficiency and confidence while also reducing the amount of scrap fabric on hand. Remind students of how to thread the sewing machine and model for them the correct techniques for how to problem solve when they hit a roadblock.
Photo by cottonbro: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-using-a-sewing-machine-3738095/
TIP: Have sewing machine threading races or bobbin winding races to reinforce the correct techniques for each process. As students begin sewing seams, they will need to change their thread color and wind bobbins frequently, so the more practice they get, the more proficient they will become with this task.


Resources QR Codes
7 Different Types of Seams and How to Use Them in Garments – 2022 – MasterClass
Sewing Machine Practice Sheets 


Deaton, S. (2021). Teaching Apparel Production. Presentation.


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Teaching Apparel Production Copyright © 2023 by Sheri Deaton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.