
Unit 4 Sewing Supplies and Pressing Equipment

Unit 4 Sewing Supplies and Pressing Equipment

The sewing supplies and pressing equipment are defined and shown in this section.  Becoming familiar with the pressing equipment will ensure the safe operation of the equipment. Knowing the names of the parts of the machine and the names of the small equipment and pressing equipment used in the classroom is essential.

  • Would you trust a mechanic who said they would fix your “what-ya-ma-call-it”?
Image by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay
  • Would you trust a surgeon who explained how they were going to do a procedure by stating they would use a “do-dad” to remove your organ?
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

Likely, the answer to these questions is, NO! Professionals are expected to know the names of their tools and equipment, and we should expect the same of ourselves and our students (Deaton, 2021). Practice using the appropriate names for sewing supplies and pressing equipment. Create or purchase posters of the names of these items and place them in the sewing lab.

To assist your English Language Learners (ELLs), consider labeling items in their native language and in English to assist with their acquisition and understanding. Use various techniques as you integrate new vocabulary terminology with your students. Build their understanding, and scaffolding along the way to assist each student where they are and to help them get to where they need to be.

Image by Hands off my tags! Michael Gaida from Pixabay

TIP: Consider using a variety of formative assessment tools to help you see what students know and understand, and to help them see what they know and understand. Check out a variety of digital formative assessment platforms including Quizlet, Quizizz, GimKit, and Kahoot!

Image by Beverly Buckley from Pixabay


Use the following drag-and-drop assessment to measure your understanding of sewing equipment and supplies before reading the text.


Deaton, S. (2021). Teaching Apparel Production. Presentation.


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Teaching Apparel Production Copyright © 2023 by Sheri Deaton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.