Unit 1 Understanding Yourself and Your Students
Unit 1 Understanding Yourself and Your Students
In this section, we will unpack concepts related to self-awareness and the importance of getting to know your students.
While it has been reported that the three rules of real estate include location, location, and location, this author’s experiences have led her to believe the three rules for effective classroom management include relationships, relationships, and relationships (Deaton, 2021). The time spent getting to know students at the beginning of the year is not time wasted–it is an investment.
Allow students to know a little about you and take the time to get to know them. As you explore these two chapters within this unit, consider how you can get to know yourself and your students. You will not regret this investment in yourself and the students in your class.

Deaton, S. (2021). Teaching Apparel Production. Presentation.