38 Top Stitching
Sheri Deaton
Top Stitching
What is top stitching?
Top stitching is a line of stitching done on the outside or right side of the garment. This can be functional or used for decorations. Top stitching is seen on many garments including but not limited to hats, slacks, shirts, jeans, dresses, and skirts. This finishing touch may be used to hold facings in place, hold seams flat and neat, or even add definition and strength to side seams.

One important note on top stitching is that this is typically a stitch that will be seen and that is designed to be seen. While traditional construction seams are designed to be hidden with a thread color that mirrors the fabric, it is not uncommon for patterns to call for the use of an opposite or complementary thread color to be used for the top stitch. Due to the placement and prevalence of this seam, students must practice sewing even seams on both straight lines and curved lines as well (Deaton, 2021). Practice on multiple swatches of fabric, noting students’ abilities to monitor and adjust.
TIP: Top stitches would be a good skill to integrate into a student’s working portfolio. The primary difference between a working portfolio and a mastery portfolio is the use of multiple renditions of projects. In a working portfolio, students include their first, second, and subsequent attempts at a skill, demonstrating their growth in proficiency. In a mastery portfolio, only the best samples are included. Regardless of the type of portfolio utilized in an apparel production course, portfolios are excellent ways for students to showcase and document their abilities and skills.

Top stitching requires a steady hand, good eye-hand coordination, accurate measurements, and patience. The best way for students to demonstrate this skill is through practice. One example of this is through embedding an assignment related to creating a burp cloth. Numerous patterns can be found online, but Treasurie has one that allows for student choice in shape and includes the skills of clipping and top stitching.
TIP: Consider having students create a burp cloth then encourage them to donate them to a local women’s shelter or your local child advocacy service. Teaching students to care for their community and to share their talents and skills with others will promote altruism and increase community involvement.

Hemming it Up
Top stitches can not only be decorative, but they can also be structural. This finishing touch may quite literally stand out on a finished product. Sewing a straight stitch that is going to be seen may be an intimidating task for some students.
Opportunities to practice top stitching will help them increase their proficiency and confidence in their abilities while including examples of their projects in a portfolio will better enable students to showcase the skills they have mastered while in an apparel production class.
Resources | QR Codes |
Free Burp Cloth Pattern and Tutorial | ![]() |
How to Top Stitch and Under Stitch | ![]() |
Top Stitch Seam | ![]() |
Deaton, S. (2021). Teaching Apparel Production. Presentation.