48 Arkansas Family and Consumer Sciences Standards and Resources
Sheri Deaton
Arkansas Family and Consumer Sciences Standards and Resources
The following resources can be utilized to help you research the Arkansas standards and relevant resources available for teaching content related to family and consumer sciences. It is important to note that standards are frequently revisited and revised to meet current business and industry standards.

Arkansas Career and Technical Education Programs of Study Overview
Learn more about the programs of study, certifications, equipment lists, standards, and safety checklists for teachers in Arkansas.
Arkansas Family and Consumer Sciences Standards
“Family and Consumer Sciences prepares students to make informed choices regarding consumer education, food and nutrition, relationships, housing, and textiles and provides skills for careers in the Hospitality and Tourism, Education and Training, and Human Services career clusters.”
Arkansas Family and Consumer Sciences Resources
Use this link to the shared Arkansas Google drive folder for access to resources created and shared by teachers in Arkansas.
Arkansas Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences Resources
Use this link to the shared Google drive folder for access to resources shared at the 2022 AATFCS Conference.
Arkansas Playbook for Advanced Fashion Design
Use this link to the shared Google drive folder for access to resources created and shared by teachers across the state of Arkansas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Deaton’s Resources
This site was created for current students enrolled in the author’s classroom but is accessible to any person who is interested in learning more about career and technical education. Resources shared here can be utilized in any family and consumer sciences course.

Social Media Connections
Arkansas Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers Collaborate
“A place for ARKANSAS Family and Consumer Science teachers to collaborate and join forces as we face the future (with warm courage and high hope) while planning to meet the needs of our students and help prepare them for real-world life experiences.”
FCS Digital Notebooks
“A place for FCS teachers to collaborate, share, and help each other through creating digital interactive notebooks.”
Hemming it Up
- Teachers in Arkansas have a strong connection to one another and a variety of resources supplied by fellow educators. As you glean from resources shared, be sure you are referencing the most recent and relevant resources.
- Links on this page will be monitored and edited as needed. Please contact the author if you have any questions or concerns.