Unit 11 Resources
Unit 11 Resources
Effective teachers know their students, know their content, know how to manage their classroom, and use resources to assist with their professional growth and development (Deaton, 2021). The Danielson Framework for Teaching (FFT) was devised to create a common vernacular for educators as we strive to support lifelong learning (Danielson, 2007). In this model, Danielson focuses on four domains that encompass effective teaching: planning & preparation, the classroom environment, instruction, and principled teaching.
To learn more about the Danielson Framework for Teaching (FFT), check out The Danielson Group at https://danielsongroup.org/the-framework-for-teaching/
Every educator should stay current in their craft. Successful and effective teachers will continue to engage in collaborative inquiry with colleagues and will use resources to assist them with their professional growth plans. Family and Consumer Sciences educators should use their national and state standards to assist them with the development of curriculum for their students.
Use these resources to help you better understand the national and state expectations for teachers who are engaged in the work of teaching Family and Consumer Sciences.

Danielson, C. (2007). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching. Second Edition. ASCD. 9781416605171
Deaton, S. (2021). Teaching Apparel Production. Presentation.