Unit 9 Finishing Touches
Unit 9 Finishing Touches
It is often the finishing touches of a product that differentiate it from its counterparts. We see this in apparel and home furnishings.
- Drawer pulls enhance the cabinets and cause them to stand out.
- Lighting fixtures create the mood and overall feel of a living room.
- Jewelry and other accessories can turn a drab outfit into a fabulous outfit.
When creating an item in the sewing laboratory, the finishing touches add extra pop and pizazz. These finishes can create a more professional appearance and increase the durability and wearability of the item. Knowing how and when to clip, notch, trim, grade, and the hem is paramount to creating a finished product that can stand the test of time. Finishing touches are often the “behind the scenes” aspects of apparel production. Some of these skills will not be seen in the finished product, but failing to do these will result in a less superior garment or home furnishing (Deaton, 2021).

TIP: Students may not WANT to put the finishing touches on a garment or an item they are creating for the home. The strain of finishing the item often makes them want to “phone it in” at the end and just “get it done.” Encourage your students to finish empty, giving it their all every single day. Knowing how to complete these finishing touches is important and using these (as applicable) will truly finish the project professionally.
Finish Strong
Runners have not finished their course until they have crossed the finish line. The game is not over until the last seconds have expired from the clock. You are not truly finished with your project until you have completed all steps, and this includes the finishing touches. Use these resources in this chapter to help you finish the task at hand and complete the project with skill and proficiency.

Deaton, S. (2021). Teaching Apparel Production. Presentation.