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16 Skirt
Skirt Pattern: Simplicity 1559 View D
Skirt FrontSkirt Back
Lay out pattern pieces on fabric and interfacing.
Cutting out and marking skirt.
Mark all symbols on the skirt pieces. Skirt Video #1
Serge the side seams and back seam of skirt front and back pieces.
Sew darts on skirt front and skirt back pieces. Skirt Video #2
Insert invisible zipper in center back.
Sew the back seam from bottom of zipper and bottom edge. Press open.
Sew sides seams together. Press open. Skirt Video #2
Fuse interfacing to Facing. Skirt Video #3
Serge the unnotched edge of the facing.
Sew notched side of the facing to skirt matching symbols.
Press seam up into the waistband.
Edgestitch facing. Skirt Video #3
Fold facing over right side of zipper.
Stitch close to zipper teeth the width of the facing.
Repeat on the other side. Skirt Video #3
Using a hook and eye, place the hook side on the inside left side of the facing a the edge. Hand stitch the hook in place.
Place eye on the opposite side. Hand stitch the eye in place. Skirt Video #3
Using the flat part (eye), place it on the outside right side of the waistband. Place it where the hook side lays flat with the zipper closed. Hand stitch the eye in place.
Serge around the hem of the skirt.
Turn hem to inside of the skirt at the desired length.
Press in place and pin if necessary. Skirt Video #4