
Topic 6: All Employees’ Access to Career Development, Training and Development, and Organization Development Activities


Topic 6 provides scenarios that ask students to examine their role in the access to training and development that HRWD professionals provide to all employees. Exclusionary tactics are common in organizations and their effect on organizational climate can determine the success or failure of developmental activities and initiatives. Having a well-designed, transparent strategy can help HRWD professionals in all aspects of employee development.

Scenario 1: Exclusionary Tactics

Rosalind arrived at her new job as a single mother. She received an invitation to attend, a yet to be scheduled, meeting between faculty and graduate students. She responded to the emailed invitation that she was interested in attending the meeting. Rosalind never received a follow-up email informing her of when the meeting was to be held and the location.

A few weeks later, Rosalind’s colleague, Robert, asked her why she did not attend the graduate student and faculty meet and greet the prior evening. Rosalind informed Robert that she had never received the official invitation after responding to the inquiry about attending. Robert said he did not understand what had happened and apologized.

Rosalind went to Karen who had sent the original email and asked her why she never received the official invitation. Karen informed her that she, as the administrative assistant, was informed by another faculty member, Kitty, that Rosalind probably wouldn’t have childcare and be able to attend.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How should Rosalind respond to this situation?
  2. How can this situation effect Rosalind’s relationship with the graduate students in her program?
  3. How can this situation affect Rosalind’s ability to create collegiality with her peers?

Scenario 2: Strategic HRD Case Study

XYZ company is opening a new facility and does not have the resources to hire additional organizational development or training professionals. Mary, the training department manager has one organization development (OD) specialist and three trainers on her staff. She must maintain the implementation of an in-house performance-based pay system for 500 current employees and integrate the 300 new employees into the system. She must also manage all of the other trainings required for the new employees to meet mandated, federal requirements associated with occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) and other entities. Mary has three months to prepare a strategy to meet the new facility training needs.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what way(s) can Mary ensure that her training goals align with the organization’s goals?
  2. What are the essential components that need to be included in Mary’s plan?
  3. Identify the key stakeholders whose needs Mary’s plan must address?

Supplemental Readings

Ardichvili, A., & Jondle, D. (2009). Integrative literature review: Ethical business cultures: A literature review and implications for HRD. Human Resource Development Review, 8(2), 223-244.

Ardichvili, A., Jondle, D., & Kowske, B. (2010). Dimensions of ethical business cultures: Comparing data from 13 countries of Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Human Resource Development International, 13(3), 299-315.

Ardichvili, A., Jondle, D., & Kowske, B. (2012). Minding the gap: Exploring differences in perceptions of ethical business cultures among executives, mid-level managers and non-managers. Human Resource Development International, 15(3), 337-352.

Ardichvili, A., Mitchell, J. A., & Jondle, D. (2009). Characteristics of ethical business cultures. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(4), 445-451.

Arthur, W., Jr., Bennett, W., Jr. , Edens, P.S. , & Bell, S.T. (2003). Effectiveness of training in organizations: A meta-analysis of design and evaluation features. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 234 -245.

Baldwin, T.T., & Ford, J.K. (1988). Transfer of training: A review and directions for future research. Personnel Psychology, 41, 63 – 105.

Bartels, K. K., Harrick, E., Martell, K. & Strickland, D. (1998). The relationship between ethical climate and ethical problems within human resource management. Journal of Business Ethics, 17(7), 799-804.

Bunch, K. J. (2007). Training failure as a consequence of organizational culture. Human Resource Development Review, 6(2), 142-163.

Burke, L. A., & Hutchins, H. M. (2007). Training transfer: An integrative literature review. Human Resource Development Review, 6(3), 263-296.

Flores, L. Y., & O’Brien, K. M. (2002). The career development of Mexican American adolescent women: A test of social cognitive career theory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49(1), 14–27. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-0167.49.1.14

Roberson, L., Kulik, C.T., & Pepper, M.B. (2003). Using needs assessment to resolve controversies in diversity training design. Group & Organization Management, 28, 148 – 174.