
Topic 2: Providing Career Services Online


Topic 2 provides scenarios that ask students to develop an understanding of how technology influences changes in ways to develop employees or potential employees in their careers. It also suggests that students consider the digital divide and how access to technology or lack thereof can effect their ability to provide appropriate career services.

Scenario 1: Limitations of Online Career Services 

Florine has been laid off from her job due to the effects of COVID-19. She is seeking to rejuvenate her career by exploring new opportunities. She can only receive career services through online processes due to the closure of government offices; however, the government offices in her county have limited technological resources, and the services cannot be viewed on cell phones. Florine has a smartphone but can no longer afford to pay for the data services. She can only receive text messages and phone calls. Florine also does not have a desktop, computer, laptop, iPad, or access to reliable internet services. She also does not have cable TV and without streaming services, cannot get a clear signal of public education channels.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How can career professionals assist Florine?
  2. Describe the best way(s) to improve Florine’s resources to access online career services?

Scenario 2: Rural Living and Technology Accessibility

Joseph recently graduated community college. While a student, he had access to a computer on campus and had a part-time job that allowed him free Internet access. Since his graduation, Joseph has lost his part-time job and his car. Living in a rural area of his community, Internet accessibility is inconsistent. All career services from his community college are online. Joseph desperately wants a new job, but he has no transportation or access to seek career support.

Discussion Questions

  1.  What can be done for individuals like Joseph who have limited Internet access ad need career assistance?

Supplemental Readings

Davidson, M. M. (2001). The computerization of career services: Critical issues to consider. Journal of Career Development, 27(3), 217-228.

Haberstroh, S., Rowe, S., & Cisneros, S. (2009). Implementing virtual career counseling and advising at a major university. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (JCIT), 11(3), 31-44.

Harris‐Bowlsbey, J., & Sampson Jr, J. P. (2005). Use of technology in delivering career services worldwide. The Career Development Quarterly, 54(1), 48-56.

Kettunen, J., Vuorinen, R., & Sampson Jr, J. P. (2013). Career practitioners’ conceptions of social media in career services. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 41(3), 302-317.

Kettunen, J., Sampson Jr, J. P., & Vuorinen, R. (2015). Career practitioners’ conceptions of competency for social media in career services. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 43(1), 43-56.

Kettunen, J., Vuorinen, R., & Sampson Jr, J. P. (2015). Practitioners’ experiences of social media in career services. The Career Development Quarterly, 63(3), 268-281.

Venable, M. A. (2010). Using technology to deliver career development services: Supporting today’s students in higher education. The Career Development Quarterly, 59(1), 87-96.