
Sentence strength and variety (grammar support)

Part 3: chapter 11

Questions to consider

A. What elements make writing more interesting and accessible to readers? 

B. How do writers improve the quality of their work beyond presenting strong content? 

Variety in writing is critical in maintaining the interest and attention of the reader, especially when the audience is broader than one’s own department. As writers produce sentences and combine them into paragraphs, they must determine the relationships between the ideas. Specifically, research writers consider whether their ideas are of equal importance and what type of emphasis they need on particular information.

Sentence combining through coordination

Connecting sentences with coordinate or subordinate clauses creates more coherent paragraphs, and in turn, produces more effective writing.  A compound sentence can join two independent clauses that contain related ideas of equal importance.

Simple sentences: I spent my entire paycheck last week. I am staying home this weekend.

In their current form, these sentences contain two separate ideas that may or may not be related. Am I staying home this week because I spent my paycheck, or is there another reason for my lack of enthusiasm to leave the house? To indicate a relationship between the two ideas, we can use the coordinating conjunction so.

Compound sentence: I spent my entire paycheck last week, so I am staying home this weekend.

The revised sentence illustrates that a cause connects the two ideas. Notice that the sentence retains two independent clauses (I spent my entire paycheck; I am staying home this weekend), each can stand alone as a complete idea.

Coordinating Conjunctions

A coordinating conjunction is a word that joins two independent clauses. The most common coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Note that a comma precedes the coordinating conjunction when joining two clauses.

Independent Clause

Coordinating Conjunction

Independent Clause

Revised Sentence

I will not be attending the dance.

for (indicates a reason or cause)

I have no one to go with.

I will not be attending the dance, for I have no one to go with.

I plan to stay home.

and (joins two ideas)

I will complete an essay for class.

I plan to stay home, and I will complete an essay for class.

Jessie isn’t going to be at the dance.

nor (indicates a negative)

Tom won’t be there either.

Jessie isn’t going to be at the dance, nor will Tom be there.

The fundraisers are hoping for a record-breaking attendance.

but (indicates a contrast)

I don’t think many people are going.

The fundraisers are hoping for a record-breaking attendance, but I don’t think many people are going.

I might go to the next fundraising event.

or (offers an alternative)

I might donate some money to the cause.

I might go to the next fundraising event, or I might donate some money to the cause.

My parents are worried that I am antisocial.

yet (indicates a reason)

I have many friends at school.

My parents are worried that I am antisocial, yet I have many friends at school.

Buying a new dress is expensive.

so (indicates a result)

By staying home I will save money.

Buying a new dress is expensive, so by staying home I will save money.

Extension: relationships between ideas

Build better, more interesting sentences with:

coordination – joining two related ideas of equal importance; and

subordination – joining two related ideas of unequal importance.

Conjunctive Adverbs

Another method of joining two independent clauses with related and equal ideas is to use a conjunctive adverb and semicolon. A conjunctive adverb is a linking word or phrase that demonstrates a relationship between two clauses. An example and its revision:

Original sentences: Bridget wants to take part in the next Olympics. She trains every day.

Revised sentence: Bridget wants to take part in the next Olympics; therefore, she trains every day.

The revised sentence explains the relationship between Bridget’s desire to take part in the next Olympics and her daily training. Notice that the conjunctive adverb comes after a semicolon that separates the two clauses and is followed by a comma.

Review the following chart of some common academic conjunctive adverbs with examples of how they are used:

Function Conjunctive Adverb Example
Addition also, furthermore, moreover, in addition Alicia was late for class and stuck in traffic; furthermore, her shoe heel had broken and she had forgotten her lunch.
Comparison similarly, likewise Recycling aluminum cans is beneficial to the environment; similarly, reusing plastic bags and switching off lights reduces waste.
Contrast instead, however, conversely Most people do not walk to work; instead, they drive or take the train.
Emphasis namely, certainly, indeed The Siberian tiger is a rare creature; indeed, there are fewer than five hundred left in the wild.
Cause and effect accordingly, consequently, hence, thus I missed my train this morning; consequently, I was late for my meeting.
Time finally, next, subsequently, then Tim crossed the barrier, jumped over the wall, and pushed through the hole in the fence; finally, he made it to the station.

Exercise #1

Create two sentences from each pair using first a coordinating conjunction and then a conjunctive adverb.

  1. Pets are not allowed in Ms. Wallace’s building. She owns several cats and a parrot.
  2. New legislation prevents drivers from sending or reading text messages while driving. Many people continue to use their phones illegally.
  3. Many students try to take class notes on a tablet or other device. A great deal of research suggests that taking notes by hand rather than with a keyboard enhances learning and retention.
  4. The coroner concluded that the young man had taken a lethal concoction of drugs. By the time his relatives found him, nothing could be done.
  5. The human eyes are drawn to the screens of modern technology. An open laptop can distract classmates as far as 8 feet away.
  6. Amphibians are vertebrates that live on land and in the water. Flatworms are invertebrates that live only in water.
  7. Many students, particularly those in competitive graduate programs, struggle to find time to exercise. Research shows that people who exercise are exponentially more productive than those who do not.
  8. Emmett carefully fed and watered his tomato plants all summer. The tomatoes grew juicy and ripe.
  9. Many instructors allocate a percentage of the total grade to participation points. Students who participate actively in class generally achieve better grades than students who remain silent.
  10. When he lost his car key, Oscar attempted to open the door with a wire hanger, a credit card, and a paper clip. He called the manufacturer for advice.

Sentence combining through subordination

Subordination is used to join two sentences with related ideas by merging them into a main clause (a complete sentence) and a dependent clause (a construction that relies on the main clause to complete its meaning). This creates a complex sentence. Coordination allows a writer to give equal weight to the two ideas that are being combined, and subordination enables a writer to emphasize one idea over the other. An example and its revision follows:

Original sentences: Farnaz stopped to help the injured man. She would be late for work.

Revised sentence: Even though Farnaz would be late for work, she stopped to help the injured man.

In the revised version, the independent clause (she stopped to help the injured man) stands as a complete sentence and the dependent clause (even though Farnaz would be late for work) is subordinate to the main clause. Notice that the revised sentence emphasizes the fact that Farnaz stopped to help the injured man, rather than the fact she would be late for work. An alternative version is also possible.

Revised sentence: Farnaz stopped to help the injured man even though she would be late for work.

The meaning remains the same in both sentences, with the subordinating conjunction even though introducing the dependent clause.

Subordinating Conjunctions

A subordinating conjunction is a word that joins a subordinate (dependent) clause to a main (independent) clause.

Punctuation note

If a subordinate/dependent clause precedes the main clause, close it with a comma. If the subordinate clause follows the main cause, no punctuation is generally required.

Some common subordinating conjunctions and examples of how they are used follow.

Function Subordinating Conjunction Example
Concession although, while, though, whereas, even though Sarah completed her report even though she had to stay late to get it done.
Condition if, unless, until Until we know what is causing the problem, we will not be able to fix it.
Manner as if, as, though Everyone in the conference room stopped talking at once, as though they had been stunned into silence.
Place where, wherever Rita is in San Jose where she has several important client meetings.
Reason because, since, so that, in order that Because the air conditioning was turned up so high, everyone in the office wore sweaters.
Time after, before, while, once, when After the meeting had finished, we all went to lunch.

Exercise #2

Combine each sentence pair into a single sentence using a subordinating conjunction.

  1. Iana is going to Mexico. There are beautiful beaches in Mexico.
  2. The top students will be chosen. The scholarship will be offered to the top students.
  3. A snowstorm disrupted traffic all over the east coast. There will be long delivery delays this week.
  4. Artificial intelligence programs are sometimes used to complete class assignments. Using excessive material produced by an artificial intelligence program is considered a violation of academic integrity in many institutions.
  5. My neighbor had his television volume turned up too high. I banged on his door and asked him to keep the noise down.
  6. Poor time-management skills cause stress and frustration for many students. Learning time-management skills is rarely a priority.
  7. Jessica prepared the potato salad and the sauteed vegetables. Natalia marinated the chicken.
  8. Parking passes are very costly. The university hope to discourage the use of vehicles on campus.
  9. Shakespeare wrote tragedies, comedies, history plays and poetry. Some of his most renowned work is rather dark and violent.
  10. Romeo poisons himself. Juliet awakes to find Romeo dead and stabs herself with a dagger.


Create two sentences from each group: first a compound sentence (using a coordinating conjunction) and  then a complex sentence (using a subordinating conjunction).

  1. Heroin is an extremely addictive drug. Thousands of heroin addicts die each year.
  2. Many high schools and colleges invest heavily in athletic programs. Some stakeholders believe the focus of schools should be academic.
  3. Shakespeare’s writing is still relevant today. He wrote about timeless themes. These themes include love, hate, jealousy, death, and destiny.
  4. Some societies are very mobile. There are people who have never traveled more than a couple of hours from their birthplace.
  5. Originally, gay marriage was legal in only six states: Iowa, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. The Supreme Court ruled it was legal in all states.
  6. Issues of climate change are impacting populations around the world. The economic status of a country affects its ability to participate in efforts to reduce global warming.
  7. Prewriting is a vital stage of the writing process. Prewriting helps you organize your ideas. Types of prewriting include outlining, brainstorming, and idea mapping.
  8. Research writing is ongoing. A draft may be revised multiple times while the writer continues to learn about the topic. New information may impact a research article up to the point of publication.
  9. Ernest Hemingway is a famous writer. He also served on the local school board. His house is in Key West, Florida.
  10. Plagiarism is not difficult to discover. Instructors often use copy-and-paste mechanisms to detect plagiarism that are similar to those used by plagiarists.

Review and Reinforce

Combining and expanding simple sentences to create complex and compound sentences will produce more interesting writing.

A. How much variety appears in the research writing in the science fields?

B. What happens when a writer relies on just a few simple sentence structures?

Adapted from Hall, B., & Wallace, E. (2018). College ESL Writers: Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success English Open Textbooks. 14. ch. 3.1. p. 77-78.https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/english-textbooks/14

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