
27 An Introduction to Cultural Competence

By Dr. M. Kumar

*Please keep in mind that language evolves, and terms and definitions may change, so it is important to look up terminology in AP style references regularly and stay updated.

Many of you have heard the terms mentioned in the chapter title, but what do they mean, and how do these terms pertain to one’s career and life in general?

The term diversity means variety and can be found in nature, food, populations, and perspectives, for example. You may have heard this term used to refer to race and ethnicity; however, it applies to additional areas, such as these:

  • age
  • class
  • gender
  • sexual orientation
  • gender identity
  • religion
  • political beliefs
  • values
  • national origin
  • physical ability

In culture, diversity can help shape identity and sense of belonging.

Many definitions of culture exist, and some sources for further reference are listed at the end of this chapter. One definition that serves well in the context of an educational environment comes from the National Education Association:

Culture is the sum total of experiences, knowledge, skills, beliefs, values, and interests represented by the diversity of students and adults in our schools. While culture is often defined and perceived by schools as the celebration of important people, religions, traditions, and holidays, as well as an appreciation of the customs of different groups, it is also more than that. Culture is as much, or as little, as the everyday experiences, people, events, smells, sounds, and habits of behavior that characterize students’ and educators’ lives.

Cultural competence is a useful skill, generally defined by the American Psychological Association as “the ability to understand, appreciate and interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one’s own.”

Understanding one’s own culture as well is critical because that lens can shape one’s understanding of the world and its various cultures.

Equity refers to fair treatment, the creation of opportunities, and access to those opportunities. A definition of equity from the University of Iowa says this:

Equal treatment results in equity only if everyone starts with equal access to opportunities.

One might think being fair means giving everyone the same item to succeed, but what if someone already has that item or cannot use it? What if someone doesn’t need that item but needs a different item? Equity is the result of providing people with what they need (not what others have assumed they need) to be successful.

Inclusion is the act of genuinely involving people. Inclusion can help cultivate a greater sense of belonging. As authors Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy say:

When we feel belonging, we feel valued not for fitting in, but for everything that makes us unique.

Here are three quotes that help frame the ideas in this chapter:

  • “Diversity is being asked to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” – inclusion stategist Vernā Myers.
  • “Diversity is going to a party; inclusion is being a member of the party-planning committee.” – diversity leader Daniel Juday
  • “Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice be heard.” – Authors Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy

Understanding these terms, staying up to date with them as they evolve, and seeing how they relate to your studies, your relationships, your career, and your life in general can be a major step toward cultural competence.

Sources and Additional Resources

C.A.R.E. strategies for closing the achievement gap – National Education Association

In search of cultural competence – American Psychological Association

Diversity, equity and inclusion – University of Iowa

The Verna Myers Company

Inclusion isn’t “being asked to dance.” – LinkedIn

What is diversity, inclusion and belonging? – Nasdaq.com

Diversity in the newsroom can build better media. Here’s why. – World Economic Forum

Definitions of cultural competence – National Center for Cultural Competence

Cultural Competence, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging (Interactive Presentation) – Dr. M. Kumar