
About This Guidebook

Compiled and written by Dave Bostwick

Edited by Ninette Sosa

Ethics in Journalism and Strategic Media is a compilation of lessons and resources to help readers understand the professional obligation of media professionals to follow ethical standards.

The online guidebook is an Open Education Resource (OER). It addresses the following objectives based on curriculum competencies from the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC):

  • Understand professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity.
  • Evaluate information from case studies to develop a greater understanding of ethical standards among media professionals.
  • Think critically, creatively and independently in evaluating a variety of case studies and ethical principles.
  • Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information.
  • Demonstrate culturally proficient communication that empowers those traditionally disenfranchised in society, especially as grounded in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and ability, domestically and globally, across communication and media contexts.

Because this OER is presented in a book-like structure, the interactive elements may be more convenient on a standard screen, such as a laptop or tablet computer. However, the display will automatically reformat for reading on a smaller screens, such as a smartphone.

With the Creative Commons by attribution license, others can adopt, customize, modify, adapt, or remix this text. If you adopt the this guidebook for a class or rewrite and remix it with your own refinements, please let me know. Just send an email:

Dave Bostwick

A Note About External Content – This online guidebook includes embedded multimedia content and links to external articles. These were verified as functioning upon initial publication of this text and may be periodically checked and updated during the lifespan of this OER text. Occasionally, website addresses may change or content may no longer be available. Please email bostwick@uark.edu if you encounter any problems.


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