

Module 7. The Fashion Show

In this module, we will review how previous ENCLOTHE teams have discussed their experiences with the show and engage in a critical reflection ourselves.

Learning Objectives

  • Review previous ENCLOTHE experiences
  • Connect your experience with the course and your future
  • Assemble a reflection deliverable to be understood by the community and future ENCLOTHE teams

1. What it’s like

The most authentic communicators about the experience of ENCLOTHE or any academic fashion show are students who produced the show. Here, quotes and images are shown that reflect how previous shows have run and how production teams have felt after it was over.

“ENCLOTHE [2022] was really fun. We had 5-10 people in each group, there were 3 groups. We had 1 student director. We felt like we were actually making the decisions. When the show was going on, I could see “Oh, I picked that, I picked that.” There was individuality with what was going on. It was the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. It was more important to me than graduating. I would do it over and over and over again.

During the show, everybody had their stations, everybody had their jobs, and everyone communicated. We followed a really tight schedule so once it started, it all fell into place. There wasn’t any running around. Everybody knew who was what, who did what job, and what they could do. You knew who to go to if you had a question or something needed to be handled. If you have the right leadership, it just seems to work.”

-Juliana Marconi, Graduate Student, ENCLOTHE 2022 Logistics Head

2. After it’s over

Post-Event Evaluation

You may choose to assess the event through the eyes of the audience via feedback forms, surveys, or conversations[1]. Typically, you want the feedback to support improving the show or validating a process that may be new or under revision. A sample evaluation is shown below based on data from post-event resources[2].

Post-Event Survey

  1. How satisfied were you with the overall experience of the fashion show? (Rating from very unsatisfied to very satisfied)
  2. Did the fashion show achieve its goals? (yes/no, with optional open-ended “Why?” follow-up)
  3. What was the highlight of the fashion show for you? (open-ended)
  4. How would you rate the quality of the student fashion designs and presentations? (Rating from very poor to excellent)
  5. How well-organized was the fashion show event? (Rating from extremely disorganized to very organized)
  6. How friendly, informative, and helpful were the event personnel? (Rating from very unfriendly to very friendly)
  7. What aspects of the fashion show could be improved for future events? (open-ended)
  8. How likely are you to attend the school’s fashion show again in the future? (Rating from very unlikely to very likely)
  9. Would you recommend this fashion show to a friend or colleague? (yes/no)
  10. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for the organizers? (open-ended)


Participating in the production of an academic fashion brings widely varying motivations, unique experiences, and diverse outcomes for each person on the team. What about you? The impacts from production are not limited to skill development, but also personal growth and getting to know who you are as a human being. Self-reflection is the most important aspect of the show post-production. Consider what it means and how this show has affected you.



Thank you notes are another form of reflection and are a cultural staple for the southeastern and midwestern United States. Taking the time to write a thoughtful and meaningful thank you note to supporters, collaborators, and other agencies can provide you another opportunity to reflect and connect your experiences[3]. Additionally, demonstrating a culture of gratitude strengthens the show’s reputation and the reputation of the academic program hosting it. This is one final opportunity to engage with your target audience and your collaborators.

How to Write a Thank You Note

  1. Make a List: Who will need a Thank You? Emcees, Venue hosts, Collaborators, Special Guests, and other supporters should be considered.
  2. Timing: Send the thank you note as soon as possible, ideally within 24-48 hours of the show, no longer than a week.
  3. Personalization: Address the note to the specific person you want to thank, using their name.
  4. Highlight the Impact: Write down what the person or group contributed.
  5. Closing: End the note with a warm closing, such as “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Thank you again.”
  6. Handwritten vs. Digital: Consider writing the note by hand for a more personal touch, unless the recipient prefers digital communication.
  7. Proofread: Carefully proofread the note to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors.
  8. Sign: Every person on the production team would ideally sign the note. This shows how many people were impacted.
  9. Follow-up: If appropriate, follow up with the person in the future to maintain the connection.


Dear [Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to emcee at ENCLOTHE. Your presence was invaluable and truly made the event a success. We appreciate your support for our program and our show. It was a pleasure working with you, and we look forward to the opportunity to collaborate again in the future. Thank you again for your time and dedication.

Activity 7. Reflection


This activity will provide an opportunity to critically evaluate your experience throughout the production of the show. The goal of this activity is to provide you and future ENCLOTHE teams with insights into what is successful, what is not successful, and how to iteratively improve every year. Consider your experiences, the resources in this book, and different ways you might have completed tasks throughout the semester.


Complete with the indicated level or team (Individual/Committee/Group).

  1. (Class) Decide a format to present your experiences. Consider the audience and your purpose.
  2. (Individual) Summarize your experience.
    1. How have you improved?
    2. What challenges did you face that helped you develop key skills for a career? For life?
    3. If you had to mentor another student, what might you say about this course and experience?
    4. In an interview, how might you discuss this experience?
    5. How did exploring theory, resources, and other items detailed in this textbook aid you? What was missing that would have been helpful?
  3. (Class) Assemble the reflections into a cohesive format. You might choose recordings, written content, or a combination. These should be incorporated into a post-show artifact.
  4. Indicate your consent to include reflection content in the OER textbook.


Proficient (5 points) Novice (1 point)
Individual Contribution Reflection shows personal growth and critical thinking. Reflection is minimal with little engagement.
Class Collaboration Assembled reflections demonstrate a strong and cohesive group dynamic. Reflections are not assembled for presentation or show a lack of collaboration.
Overall Quality Excellent reflection submission demonstrating exceptional depth, clarity, and connection to course content. Reflection submission is underdeveloped and lacks sufficient depth, clarity, or connection to the course
Contribution to ​the final artifact ​Contributed substantively to the generation of a post-show artifact. ​Did not make a helpful contribution to the post-show artifact.


  1. Matthews, D. (2016). Special event production: The process (Second edition). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  2. Post-event survey questions you should ask after any event. (n.d.). SurveyMonkey. Retrieved April 10, 2024, from https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/post-event-survey-questions/ Social Tables. (2019, November 22). 21 Post-Event Evaluation Questions & Survey Setup Tips. Social Tables. https://www.socialtables.com/blog/event-planning/post-event-evaluation-questions/
  3. Cramer, K. M., & Vest, E. G. (2021). Thank-You Notes As A Means Of Nurturing A Community Of Writers. English Journal, 111(2), 87–90. https://doi.org/10.58680/ej202131503


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