


Activity 1. Fashion Show Spotlight


This activity is an opportunity to connect with your group and begin visualizing your ENCLOTHE production. Additionally, it promotes an informed approach to fashion show production by encouraging you to review previous fashion shows. The goals of the activity are for you to understand key elements of impactful fashion shows and to analyze historical fashion show productions for potential application to ENCLOTHE.


Complete at the indicated level (Individual/Committee).

  1. (Individual) Identify a fashion show and share it with your committee. It may be a video, a webpage, a news article, or other media that describes the show. It should be a single show.
    1. Example: Any show listed here would be eligible, but you may use a show from a different source – https://www.one37pm.com/style/most-iconic-fashion-shows-that-altered-style-history
  2. (Committee) Select a show for presentation to the class. Each committee will select a single show to present. When selecting your show to present, keep in mind your committee’s goals and how this show represents those concepts.
    1. Example: The Venue Committee might select a show that demonstrates an interesting use of venue space.
  3. (Individual) Describe an element of the fashion show that either a) inspires, or gives you an idea for ENCLOTHE or b) evokes, or reminds you of something we discussed about fashion shows.
    1. Example of inspires: The lighting in this show makes me want to try moving spotlights.
    2. Example of evokes: The standing models remind me of the department store models that started fashion shows.
  4. (Committee) Assemble a slide that embeds the video, provides a link, or includes images from the show. On your slide, include:
    1. The season, designer/brand, and year of the show as the title
    2. The theme, target audience, and personnel in the show.
    3. The individual statements from step 3 on your slide. Be sure to indicate whether the statements are in the inspire or evoke category.
  5. Submit your slide and indicate your preference to present the slide as a committee, nominate an individual, or have the instructor communicate it to the class. Also, indicate your consent to include the slide in the open-access textbook. If one or more group members do not consent, please indicate “No” on the submission.


Proficient (15 points) Competent (8 points) Novice (1 point)
Understanding of fashion show elements Demonstrates a clear understanding of key elements that contribute to an impactful fashion show. Lacks a comprehensive understanding of key elements that contribute to an impactful fashion show. Fails to identify or explain key elements that contribute to an impactful fashion show.
Analysis of historical fashion show productions Provides a well-structured and insightful analysis of the selected fashion show, drawing connections to potential applications for ENCLOTHE. Provides a basic analysis of the selected fashion show, but may not fully connect the show’s elements to ENCLOTHE. Fails to provide an analysis of the selected fashion show or connect its elements to ENCLOTHE.

Activity 2. Element Mood Board


This activity is designed to increase collaboration across committees and incorporate diverse perspectives. The goal of this activity is to create a comprehensive and cohesive concept for ENCLOTHE. Apply the principles explored in this module to generate a concept and plan in cooperation with your committee and your assignment group.


Complete with the indicated level or team (Individual/Committee/Group).

  1. (Committee) Review the section from Module 2.3 that aligns with your committee. Discuss the implications of the concepts with your committee. It will be important that you understand your committee’s thoughts and feelings for the next steps.
    1. Example: The Aesthetic Committee knows that they want a muted color palette for the show décor and graphics.
  2. (Individual) Select a group based on which element of ENCLOTHE you would like to support – see list of essential elements. Each group member must be from a different committee in groups of 2-4. Each element must have at least 2 groups.
  3. (Group) Decide how your chosen element will be embodied for ENCLOTHE. Discuss each individual’s committee’s thoughts related to the essential element your group is working on. Complete the following form ONCE for each group:
  4. (Individual) Collect at least 2 images and/or brief written statements that communicate the element as discussed.
  5. (Group) Assemble a mood board that includes all graphics and/or statements from the group. Submit your mood board and indicate your preference to present as a group, nominate an individual, or have the instructor communicate it to the class. Also, indicate your consent to include the board in the open-access textbook. If one or more group members do not consent, please indicate “No” on the submission.
  6. As a class, we will vote on the Mood Board that will guide all further production for each element.


Proficient (25 points) Competent (12 points) Novice (1 point)
Conceptual Clarity Demonstrates a clear understanding of the chosen element and communicates the concept well. Lacks an organized and cohesive representation of the element. Fails to identify or convey the chosen element.
Conceptual Quality Provides an exciting and high-quality representation of how the chosen element will be embodied for ENCLOTHE. Lacks detail or specificity for how the chosen element will be embodied for ENCLOTHE. Fails to provide a compelling proposal for how the chosen element might be embodied for ENCLOTHE.

Activity 3. Production Plan

Production Plan Deliverable


This activity will give your committee a map to production success. The goal of this activity is to create a plan with tangible, achievable objectives that contribute to your ENCLOTHE show. Apply the tools and techniques from this module to generate a list of objectives and milestones according to your committee’s responsibilities.


Complete with the indicated level or team (Individual/Committee/Class).

  1. (Class) Decide as a class the format you would prefer to communicate through. All future correspondence should be through this channel so that important information is not lost!
  2. (Committee) Review your given plan deliverable. Be sure to review upcoming assignments and collaborations to optimize your time and resources.
    • Program: Create a timeline for the day of ENCLOTHE including various versions for all personnel outlining all activities, tasks, and responsibilities, ensuring a smooth and efficient event.
    • Venue: Create a décor budget and procurement plan outlining the venue contract stipulations, the types of décor elements, suppliers, and pricing considerations.
    • Outreach: Create a social media schedule to promote ENCLOTHE including content creation, posting frequency, and engagement strategies.
    • Archive: Create a plan to document the event including photography, videography, and written documentation procedures.
    • Collaborator: Create a designer and model cataloging plan including intended storage (Microsoft Forms, Excel, etc.) and communication strategies.
    • Aesthetic: Create a vision plan and schedule that covers when and how important visual, auditory, and atmospheric elements of ENCLOTHE will be chosen and implemented.
    • Production: Select (either randomly or by volunteer) 2-3 members from your assigned committees to help you complete the following tasks:
      • Creative: Design a style sheet for graphics, décor, and other aesthetics for ENCLOTHE.
      • Engagement: Develop a model casting call and garment submission call and procedure for designers to use.
      • Logistics: Develop an event safety and emergency plan.
  3. (Individual) Brainstorm key milestones, objectives, or outcomes related to your committee’s plan deliverable. Come up with at least 5 to share. You must have at least 1 that is unique from someone else’s idea and are included in the plan.
    1. Example: If I’m on the Outreach Committee, I would suggest that (1) there should be a post every Monday, and (2) there should be a post every day the week before the show.
    2. These should be different from the following items, but include the items below as part of your plan depending on your committee:

Committee Collaborations

      • Vision Proposals
      • Collaboration Proposals
      • Run of Show order
      • Awards list and judging system
      • Program design & template
      • Personnel list and volunteer needs & mapping
      • Run of Show (garment order)
      • Safety and event protocol
      • Final reflection product (ex. digital magazine)
  1. (Committee) Select at least 1 idea from each member. Assemble the ideas into a cohesive and easy-to-understand format. Include committee collaboration products that your committee will contribute to – see above items and modules 4, 5, and 7 for reference.
    1. Example: The Venue committee would likely have a slide presentation that has information on the contract, proposed décor items, a timeline for when items need to be purchased, and a budget.
  2. (Committee) Submit your plan deliverable and indicate your preference to present as a group, nominate an individual, or have the instructor communicate it to the class. Also, indicate your consent to include the deliverable in the open-access textbook. If one or more group members do not consent, please indicate “No” on the submission.


Proficient (25 points) Competent (12 points) Novice (1 point)
Plan Feasibility and Practicality Develops a highly feasible and practical plan that considers all relevant factors and constraints. Presents a plan with some feasibility and practicality but may overlook certain factors or constraints. Develops a plan with substantial feasibility and practicality flaws.
Alignment with Event Objectives Effectively aligns the plan with the overall objectives of the event, contributing to its success. Demonstrates some alignment with the event’s objectives but may not fully support its goals. Fails to align with the event’s objectives and may hinder its achievement.

Plan Execution (Excluding Production Committee)


This activity will give you control over the work you complete. The goal of this activity is to encourage you to implement your plan by completing the tangible, achievable objectives you set for your committee.


You will receive 100 points for implementing your plan.

  1. Submit how the points will be assigned and when the assignments will be completed. Review Module 3.4 for more guidance on your approach. You might use the following format from Transparency in Learning and Teaching –
    1. Purpose: Identify why this activity matters.
    2. Task: Describe the steps required to complete the activity.
    3. Criteria: Clearly outline how the assignment will be assessed.
  2. Decide and include the activity due date.
  3. Submit your plan execution proposal.


Your proposal will either be approved or sent back for adjustments.

Production Plan Evaluation (Producers)


This activity is an opportunity to critically evaluate the output of your assigned committees. The goals of this activity are to optimize your committees’ plans and to develop your feedback and leadership skills. Apply the communication strategies discussed in this module as well as the essential elements for ENCLOTHE.


  1. Thoroughly review the production plan, including timelines, task assignments, budget allocations, and logistical arrangements. Consider factors such as resource utilization, time management, and risk mitigation.
  2. Identify at least 2 areas to give positive feedback on.
  3. For those 2 areas, summarize what you agree with or see as done well.
  4. Identify at least 2 areas of potential risk, inefficiencies, or inconsistencies within the plan.
  5. For those 2 areas, propose reasonable and helpful solutions and recommendations to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of each committee’s plan.
  6. Create a feedback document for each of your committees and share it with them.
  7. Record their thoughts and comments. This should be a discussion, however, it can be over the chosen messaging application.
  8. Submit your feedback document and your committees’ responses. Include a brief 1-2 sentence reflection at the end.


Proficient (25 points) Competent (12 points) Novice (5 points)
Comprehensiveness and Thoroughness The evaluation thoroughly addresses all key aspects of the production plan, considering various factors and potential risks. The evaluation covers some essential elements of the production plan but may overlook important details or potential challenges. The evaluation is incomplete and fails to adequately address significant aspects of the production plan.
Depth of Analysis and Insight The evaluation demonstrates a strong understanding of the production process, identifying underlying issues and providing insightful analysis. The evaluation demonstrates a basic understanding of the production process but may lack in-depth analysis or critical thinking. The evaluation lacks a clear understanding of the production process and fails to provide insightful analysis.
Creativity and Innovation of Recommendations The proposed solutions are original, innovative, and offer fresh perspectives on improving the production plan. The proposed solutions are somewhat creative and offer some helpful recommendations for the production plan. The proposed solutions lack creativity and originality, relying primarily on conventional approaches.
Feasibility and Practicality of Recommendations The proposed solutions are realistic, achievable, and can be implemented within the given constraints, considering resource availability and time limitations. The proposed solutions may have some feasibility challenges or require significant modifications to be practical. The proposed solutions are not feasible or practical and cannot be implemented successfully due to resource limitations or time constraints.

Activity 4. Committee Collaboration 1


This activity is designed to increase collaboration across committees and incorporate diverse perspectives. The goals of this activity are to generate a) A content list and subsequent marketing materials, b) Production vision for ENCLOTHE, and c) Cross-campus/industry/alumni collaborations. Apply the principles and tools explored in this module to complete the following two-part collaboration project.


Complete with the indicated level or team (Individual/Committee/Group).

  1. (Production Committee) Decide a strategy to ensure equitable contribution to the committee tasks in step 2, parts 1 and 2. You might use idea generation strategies from module 2, project management tools from module 3, or methods shown in previous activities. Review the activities to be completed by your designated committees and ensure the strategy will make sense with the activities they complete in both parts. Share the structure with all directors.
    1. Example: Each individual should come up with an idea. Write them on notecards and shuffle them. Lay them out and have everyone vote with clear criteria for selection.
  2. (Cross-Committee) Complete the following tasks in collaboration with your committee and one additional committee. You may begin working on ideas but wait for your Directors to share the completion structure before finalizing.

Part 1

      • Outreach x Archive: Create a list of content items for media and promotion. Ensure every committee has at least one item to create. Submit to the Logistics Producer for review.
      • Aesthetic x Venue: Create at least 2 unique vision proposals including décor elements, lighting, and sound. Submit to the Creative Producer for review.
      • Collaborator x Program: Create at least 5 unique collaboration proposals including 1 on-campus collaboration and 1 industry collaborator. Justify the fit with ENCLOTHE and provide proof that the collaboration is practical and achievable. Submit to the Logistics Producer for review.

Part 2

      • Venue x Program: Discuss and select a viable vision. Provide support for your selection. Submit to the Aesthetic Director.
      • Collaborator x Archive: Discuss and select at least 2 viable collaborations. Draft invitations (see module 1.6, 3.4, 4.3, and 4.4) and submit to the Collaborator Director.
      • Aesthetic x Outreach: Create promotional materials requests and guidelines. Share with the directors of each committee.

3. (Production Committee) Assemble the following items and upload them to a location that everyone can access. Acquire class feedback and approval.

    • Vision
    • Collaborations

4. (Individual) Give feedback on each item above through the team collaboration program. Indicate your consent to include the items in the open-access textbook.

5. (Committee) Submit your committees’ promotional materials. The instructor will ensure the deadlines set by Outreach are reasonable.


Proficient (7 points) Competent (3 points) Novice (1 point)
Part 1: Product Quality Delivers a high-quality output that aligns with the task described. Tasks only partially fulfilled. Output completely misaligned with task requirements.
Part 1: Collaboration Quality Demonstrates inclusive and equitable organization and project completion. Lacks demonstration of equitable contribution opportunities. Clearly demonstrates lack of inclusion.
Part 2: Product Quality Delivers a high-quality output that aligns with the task described. Tasks only partially fulfilled. Output completely misaligned with task requirements.
Part 2: Collaboration Quality Demonstrates inclusive and equitable organization and project completion. Lacks demonstration of equitable contribution opportunities. Clearly demonstrates lack of inclusion.
Feedback Thoughtful feedback provided OR successful collection tool created. Minimal feedback provided OR incomplete feedback OR feedback tool ineffective. No feedback OR feedback tool provided.
Promotional Materials High quality materials submitted. Low quality materials submitted. No materials submitted.


Activity 5. Committee Collaboration 2


This activity is designed to increase collaboration across committees and incorporate diverse perspectives. The goals of this activity are to generate a) a Program design, b) Volunteers and personnel materials, and c) Run of show for ENCLOTHE. Apply the principles and tools explored in this module to complete the following two-part collaboration project.


Complete with the indicated level or team (Individual/Committee/Group).

  1. (Production Committee) Decide a strategy to ensure equitable contribution to the committee tasks in step 2, parts 1 and 2. You might use idea generation strategies from module 2, project management tools from module 3, or methods shown in previous activities. Review the activities to be completed by your designated committees and ensure the strategy will make sense with the activities they complete in both parts. Share the structure with all directors.
    1. Example: Each individual should come up with an idea. Write them on notecards and shuffle them. Lay them out and have everyone vote with clear criteria for selection.
  2. (Cross-Committee) Complete the following tasks in collaboration with your committee and one additional committee. You may begin working on ideas but wait for your Directors to share the completion structure before finalizing.

Part 1

      • Aesthetic x Program: Using your element mood boards and resources in Module 4, agree on a program format (digital or physical) and design. Submit general layout, colors, and other design elements to the Program Director.
      • Collaborator x Outreach: Create a list and brief description of all personnel including models, designers, volunteers, awards judges, and collaborators. The description should include a) where they need to be at certain parts of the day, b) facilities they will need, and c) support from other personnel they will need. Submit the list to the Outreach Director.
      • Archive x Venue: Create an awards list and judging system. Be inclusive in your approach (Module 1.6). Submit the list and system to the Archive Director.

Part 2

      • Outreach x Venue: Refer to the Program Committee Timeline and the personnel list from Part 1. Create a comprehensive document, such as a series of maps or a timeline, that shows personnel placements and activities with times. Submit to the Logistics Producer.
      • Archive x Program: Create a program template and begin filling with information. Anticipate upcoming section needs and make note of when they should be available. Submit to the Engagement Producer.
      • Aesthetic x Collaborator: Generate the Run of Show for ENCLOTHE. Submit to the Creative Producer.

3. (Production Committee) Assemble the following items and upload them to a location that everyone can access. Acquire class feedback and approval.

    1. Program template
    2. Awards list
    3. Personnel reference document
    4. Run of show

4. (Individual) Give feedback on each item above through the team collaboration program. Indicate your consent to include the items in the open-access textbook.


Proficient (10 points) Competent (5 points) Novice (1 point)
Part 1: Product Quality Delivers a high-quality output that aligns with the task described. Tasks only partially fulfilled. Output completely misaligned with task requirements.
Part 1: Collaboration Quality Demonstrates inclusive and equitable organization and project completion. Lacks demonstration of equitable contribution opportunities. Clearly demonstrates lack of inclusion.
Part 2: Product Quality Delivers a high-quality output that aligns with the task described. Tasks only partially fulfilled. Output completely misaligned with task requirements.
Part 2: Collaboration Quality Demonstrates inclusive and equitable organization and project completion. Lacks demonstration of equitable contribution opportunities. Clearly demonstrates lack of inclusion.
Feedback Thoughtful feedback provided OR successful collection tool created. Minimal feedback provided OR incomplete feedback OR feedback tool ineffective. No feedback OR feedback tool provided.

Activity 6. Safety and Event Protocol


This activity will foster individual and class contribution and cohesion. The goal of this activity is to generate a comprehensive safety and event protocol for ENCLOTHE. Apply the principles and tools explored in this and previous modules to complete the following.


Complete with the indicated level or team (Individual/Committee/Group). Submit to Forms.

  1. (Individual) Research and understand key safety protocols for fashion shows. Identify one important step, task, or other protocol element. Submit to the class pool of ideas.
  2. (Individual) Research and understand key event protocols for fashion shows. Develop a one to two sentence statement describing your committee’s contribution to ENCLOTHE in the context of the protocol or timeline of show day.
  3. (Class) Rank the safety protocol list generated from item 1 from least to most important.
  4. (Committee) Summarize all statements from item 2 committee members into a single event protocol statement. It should be about a paragraph.
  5. (Class) Sort the event protocol statements by element alignment (theme, personnel, or target audience).
  6. Indicate your consent to include the protocol documents in the OER textbook.


Proficient (10 points) Competent (5 points) Novice (1 point)
Individual Contribution (A) Safety Protocol: Research demonstrates a deep understanding of key safety protocols. Identified step, task, or element is significant and insightful. (B) Event Protocol: Statement clearly and concisely describes committee and individual contributions within the overall protocol and timeline. (A) Safety Protocol: Research demonstrates understanding of key safety protocols. Identified step, task, or element is relevant. (B) Event Protocol: Statement clarifies committee and individual contributions within the context of the protocol and timeline. (A) Safety Protocol: Research shows basic understanding of key safety protocols. Identified step, task, or element may be missing details or significance. (B) Event Protocol: Statement partially describes committee and individual contributions, lacking clarity or organization.
Class Collaboration (A) Safety Protocol: Participates actively in ranking process, providing insightful rationale for ranking choices. (B) Event Protocol: Effectively collaborates with classmates to sort statements by element alignment, ensuring consistency and accuracy. (A) Safety Protocol: Participates in ranking process, providing relevant rationale for ranking choices. (B) Event Protocol: Collaborates reasonably well with classmates to sort statements, with some minor inconsistencies or inaccuracies. (A) Safety Protocol: Participates minimally in ranking process, providing limited rationale or justification. (B) Event Protocol: Collaboration with classmates is limited, resulting in inconsistencies or inaccuracies in sorting statements.
Committee Cohesion Summary effectively integrates all committee member statements into a cohesive paragraph, showcasing a clear understanding of individual roles and responsibilities within the event protocol. Summary integrates most committee member statements, capturing the essence of each contribution and demonstrating a good understanding of roles and responsibilities. Summary integrates some committee member statements, but may lack clarity or comprehensiveness in capturing all roles and responsibilities.


Activity 7. Reflection


This activity will provide an opportunity to critically evaluate your experience throughout the production of the show. The goal of this activity is to provide you and future ENCLOTHE teams with insights into what is successful, what is not successful, and how to iteratively improve every year. Consider your experiences, the resources in this book, and different ways you might have completed tasks throughout the semester.


Complete with the indicated level or team (Individual/Committee/Group).

  1. (Class) Decide a format to present your experiences. Consider the audience and your purpose.
  2. (Individual) Summarize your experience.
    1. How have you improved?
    2. What challenges did you face that helped you develop key skills for a career? For life?
    3. If you had to mentor another student, what might you say about this course and experience?
    4. In an interview, how might you discuss this experience?
    5. How did exploring theory, resources, and other items detailed in this textbook aid you? What was missing that would have been helpful?
  3. (Class) Assemble the reflections into a cohesive format. You might choose recordings, written content, or a combination.
  4. Indicate your consent to include reflection content in the OER textbook.


Proficient (5 points) Novice (1 point)
Individual Contribution Reflection shows personal growth and critical thinking. Reflection is minimal with little engagement.
Class Collaboration Assembled reflections demonstrate a strong and cohesive group dynamic. Reflections are not assembled for presentation or show a lack of collaboration.
Overall Quality Excellent reflection submission demonstrating exceptional depth, clarity, and connection to course content. Reflection submission is underdeveloped and lacks sufficient depth, clarity, or connection to the course




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