
Team-Based Design Decision Making

Models of Team-Based Decision-Making

One of the challenges that product teams face is how to make effective decisions that lead to successful outcomes. There are different models of team decision making that can be applied depending on the situation, the time available, and the level of participation required. As you can see, some of the same models for individual decision making apply to group decision making.

Rational decision model

This model focuses on using logical steps to come up with the best solution possible. It involves defining the goal or problem, gathering relevant information, generating a list of options, evaluating the pros and cons of each option, and choosing the optimal one. This model is useful when there is enough time and data to analyze multiple solutions and compare their quality.

Vroom-Yetton decision model

This model was designed for collaborative decision making and helps determine how much input should be sought from team members. It involves answering a series of questions about the nature and importance of the decision, the availability and expertise of team members, and the likelihood of acceptance and commitment. Based on the answers, the model suggests one of five decision styles: autocratic, consultative, facilitative, delegative, or collaborative.

Tuckman’s FSNP/FSNPA model

This model describes the stages of team development and how they affect decision making. The stages are forming (when team members get to know each other), storming (when team members experience conflicts and disagreements), norming (when team members establish norms and expectations), performing (when team members work effectively and efficiently), and adjourning (when team members complete the task and disband). This model is useful for understanding how team dynamics change over time and how to adapt decision making accordingly.



Lencioni model

This model identifies five dysfunctions that can hinder team decision making and performance: absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results. It also provides strategies to overcome each dysfunction and build a cohesive and productive team. This model is useful for diagnosing and resolving issues that may affect team decision making.


Can groups even make decisions?

One mathematical caveat to the above. There is good evidence that there is no such thing as a perfect team-based decision. In fact, it may be that teams cannot actually make decisions, only individuals can. However, in reflection, after a design is developed, many individuals describe the “team” as coming to consensus. In the detailed design stage, we will discuss the tools to support design decision making.

Specifically, Arrows impossibility theorem is a mathematical result that shows that there is no perfect way to aggregate individual preferences into a collective decision. This has important implications for product design decision making in a design context, where designers often have to balance the needs and wants of different stakeholders, such as users, clients, managers, and themselves. One way to deal with this challenge is to use a structured process that involves defining the problem, generating alternatives, evaluating criteria, and selecting the best option. However, even this process may not guarantee a satisfactory outcome for everyone involved, as different criteria may conflict or contradict each other. Therefore, product designers need to be aware of the limitations and trade-offs of any decision-making method they use and communicate them clearly and transparently to the relevant parties.

The implication of this mathematical theory is that the best we will identify is tools and best practices for defining and selecting the best option in any decision-making stage.