
Plastic 3D Printing at Large Scale

One of the main challenges of mass production of 3D printed plastic parts is to ensure consistency and repeatability across multiple printers and batches. This can be affected by various factors, such as the temperature and humidity of the printing environment, the quality and age of the material, the calibration and maintenance of the printers, and the design of the parts.

The best practices for mass production using 3D printing technologies are the same as discussed in prototyping.

  • Choosing the appropriate material and printing method for the desired function and quality of the parts.
  • Designing the parts with minimal overhangs, supports, and infill to reduce printing time and material usage.
  • Applying and minimize proper post-processing techniques, such as cleaning, curing, sanding, or painting, to improve the appearance and performance of the parts.
  • Implementing quality control measures, such as testing, inspection, or feedback loops, to monitor and correct any deviations or defects in the parts.
  • Optimizing the layout and orientation of the parts on the printing platform to maximize the utilization of space and minimize the need for manual intervention.