
Engineering Requirements

Requirements versus Specifications

Design specifications and engineering requirements are two types of documents that describe the desired features and characteristics of a product or system. However, they differ in their level of detail, scope and purpose.

Design specifications are usually broader and more general than engineering requirements. They address the “how” of the design, such as the materials, dimensions, functions and performance of the product or system. Design specifications may also include some non-technical aspects, such as aesthetics, ergonomics and usability. Design specifications are often used as a basis for developing engineering requirements.

Engineering requirements are more specific and precise than design specifications. They address the “what” of the design, such as the minimum and maximum values, tolerances, constraints and criteria that the product or system must meet. Engineering requirements are often derived from design specifications, customer needs, standards and regulations. Engineering requirements are usually written in a formal and standardized language, such as natural language with mathematical expressions or a modeling language.

The most important characteristic of an engineering requirement is that they must be testable (or falsifiable). If a requirement cannot objectively be determined to be satisfied or not, it is not properly written. The main task of the verification is developing and testing prototypes to understand if they satisfy requirements. In other words, engineering requirements are means by which we know if we have designed what we set out to design.

A properly formatted engineering requirement should have the following elements:

– A unique identifier, such as a number or a code. These are often hierarchical to indicate what aspect of the product the requirement relates.

– A subject, such as the name of the product or system component

– A predicate, such as a verb or an adjective that describes the desired state or behavior of the subject

– An object, such as a value, a unit, a condition or a reference that quantifies or qualifies the predicate

– A rationale, such as a reason or a justification for why the requirement is needed

– A verification method, such as a test, an analysis or an inspection that can be used to check if the requirement is met

For example, a properly formatted engineering requirement for a chair could be:

REQ-001: The chair shall support a static load of 150 kg without permanent deformation. Rationale: To ensure safety and durability of the chair. Verification: Load test.

An improperly formatted engineering requirement for the chair could be:

The chair should be comfortable and sturdy.

This requirement is vague, subjective and unverifiable. It does not specify what constitutes comfort and sturdiness, how to measure them or what values are acceptable.

It is very common that a stakeholder need or design specification becomes multiple engineering requirements due to the need for the requirement to be clear, concise and specifically testable.

Example – Mechanical Pencil Requirement

Here is an example of an improperly worded engineering requirement for a mechanical pencil:

The mechanical pencil should be comfortable to use and should write smoothly for at least 100 pages before needing a new lead.

This requirement is improperly worded because:

  • It uses the word “should” instead of “shall”. “Should” is subjective and indicates that the requirement is not mandatory, while “shall” is objective and indicates that the requirement is mandatory.
  • The phrase “comfortable to use” is vague and difficult to test. There is no objective way to measure comfort, so it is not possible to determine whether or not the pencil meets this requirement.
  • The phrase “write smoothly” is also vague and difficult to test. There is no objective way to measure smoothness, so it is not possible to determine whether or not the pencil meets this requirement.
  • The requirement specifies that the pencil must write for at least 100 pages before needing a new lead. However, this requirement does not specify what type of paper the pencil will be used on or what type of lead will be used. The performance of the pencil may vary depending on these factors, so it is not possible to guarantee that the pencil will meet this requirement in all cases.

Here is an example of a properly worded engineering requirement for a mechanical pencil:

REQ-001: The mechanical pencil shall have a grip diameter of 10 mm and shall be able to write at least 100 pages of single-spaced text on standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper using a 0.5 mm HB lead without skipping or jamming.

This requirement is properly worded because:

  • It uses the word “shall” to indicate that the requirement is mandatory.
  • It is specific and precise, defining the grip diameter of the pencil, the type of paper that will be used, the type of lead that will be used, and the expected performance of the pencil.
  • It is testable, as it is possible to measure the grip diameter of the pencil and to test the pencil’s performance on standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper using a 0.5 mm HB lead.

Try it yourself:

  1. Write an intentionally poorly written requirement. Be sure to include words like “should” or “designed to”, vague untestable parameters and multiple dependencies.
  2. Consider the most humorous way the requirement could be satisfied without actually satisfying the underlying customer need. For example: A car can meet a poorly written requirement for minimum acceleration by being dropped from a crane.
  3. Rewrite your requirement to make it “fool proof”.