4 Finding and Reusing Existing H5P
Christine Rickabaugh
Where to find H5P OER Activities
Similar to open textbooks, there are repositories for H5P resources that you can search to see what H5P activities have already been created in your field. While these activities can’t always be edited or remixed like open textbooks, they can be retained and reused in other course materials or embedded into an LMS like Blackboard Ultra.
LibreTexts Studio
LibreText Sudio houses H5P activities from across the disciplines. You can filter the activities by author, exercise type, license type, and by subject area.
Pressbooks Directory
You can use the Pressbooks Directory to discover what H5P activities are embedded in a given Pressbook without having to clone the entire project. Sort the books by subject, language, or by the number of H5P activities.
How to Reuse/Embed H5P Activities
In Blackboard Ultra
Embedding H5P activities into your Blackboard Ultra course is a easy way to increase engagement with concepts and allow students to check their own learning.
In Pressbooks
When you embed an H5P activity into your Pressbook, you make it available for users around the world. You can also integrate a Pressbook into Blackboard Ultra to connect H5P activities to your grade book.