
Consent Form for Enclothe

AMPD 4073 OER: Research Consent

You are invited to participate in research conducted to develop, implement, and evaluate an OER textbook. The activities are a required part of your classwork, i.e., you may not opt out of completing the activities for the course. However, we are asking your permission to use your classwork as part of this research. The data collected for research will be your responses to feedback surveys, focus group discussions, course assignment scores, and other course-related activities such as ENCLOTHE.

(1) The principal researcher is Sarah West Hixson (swhixson@uark.edu). Please contact her with any questions about the research.

(2) If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, please contact Ro Windwalker, the University’s IRB Coordinator, at 479-575-2208 or irb@uark.edu.

(3) The purpose of the research activity is to assess optimal OER design to support your preparation for ENCLOTHE as well as future ENCLOTHE productions.

(4) The activities will take place during your normally scheduled class time. Your participation will not require any time outside of the scheduled class meeting.

(5) Participation is voluntary, and refusing to participate will not adversely affect any other relationship with the University or the researchers. Choosing to participate or not participate will have no effect on your grade or your relationship with your instructor. The instructor will not be aware of your choice to opt in or out of research prior to the completion of the course and submission of grades.

Select “Yes” if you consent, and select “No” if you do not consent.

[This was an electronic form with buttons for the above options]

***Make sure you have someone to receive the responses for you so that you cannot access the responses until grades are submitted!


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OER Engaged Copyright © 2024 by Christine Rickabaugh and Sarah West Hixson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.