
How to Use this Textbook

Ashleigh Severson

Welcome to the Advanced Composition Companion textbook! This book is meticulously structured to align with our journey through the intricacies of Advanced Composition, providing readings that directly support and enhance the assignments you will complete throughout the course.

Organized into four units mirroring the major assignments of the course, this text serves as a comprehensive resource for every stage of your writing process. From brainstorming ideas, crafting narratives, or developing persuasive arguments, you will find relevant readings and guidance within these pages.

At the end of the book, you will discover a reference section containing additional readings and definitions commonly encountered in the study of rhetoric and composition. This resource will deepen your understanding and provide clarity on key concepts essential for mastering the art of composition.

To maximize the utility of this text, it is advisable to progress through each unit in chronological order, following the sequence of assignments in your course syllabus. As you navigate each unit, refer to the reference section as needed for assistance and clarification on specific topics.

It is crucial to approach each unit holistically, as concepts and skills introduced in earlier units lay the groundwork for subsequent assignments. By completing each step of every assignment and engaging with the corresponding readings, you will build a solid foundation of understanding that will propel you to success in future units.

Essentially, this textbook is designed to be your companion and guide throughout your Advanced Composition journey. Whether you are a seasoned writer seeking to refine your skills or a novice embarking on your first journey into academic writing, this text is designed to support you each step of the way.

So, dive in, explore, and immerse yourself in the ideas and insights contained within these pages. With dedication, diligence, and these invaluable resources at your disposal, you are poised to excel in Advanced Composition and beyond.


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Advanced Composition Copyright © 2024 by Collette Bliss & Ashleigh Severson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.